An engaging visual of freeze-dried candy mixed with fresh fruits, highlighting healthy snacking options for children.
Ages and Stages Health Parenting

Healthy Snacking for Kids: Can Freeze-Dried Candy Be a Smart Choice?

Evaluate the nutritional content of freeze-dried candy from Space-Man Treats Canada by comparing its sugar and fiber level to other snacking options. Consult with a pediatric nutritionist for personalized advice on introducing variety while meeting kids’ dietary needs. Incorporate healthy alternatives like fruits, nuts, and whole grains into the snack routine. Educate children about making balanced choices by involving them in snack preparation, using resources for unique and healthier options.
The Role of Snacks in Children’s Diets
Nutritional Needs for Kids


Ways to Help Kids With Test Anxiety

Test anxiety is a common issue that many students face, affecting their performance and overall well-being. As parents, it’s important to recognize the signs of this anxiety and find effective ways to help your child manage it. Among various techniques, PowerPoint games have emerged as a creative and engaging method to help students learn material in a fun, less pressurized environment.
Use PowerPoint Games
Incorporating PowerPoint games into study sessions can transform a stressful activity into a more enjoyable and interactive …

A confident teenage girl holding books walks past a group of peers vaping, symbolizing empowerment and informed decision-making.
Ages and Stages Health Parenting

Empower Your Teen: Navigating the Vaping Dilemma with Confidence

As parents seek to understand and address teen vaping, it’s important to recognize that while retailers like vape shop brossard operate legally for adult consumers, teenagers require special guidance and support. This comprehensive guide helps parents navigate conversations about vaping with their teens, offering strategies for effective communication and empowerment while promoting healthy alternatives and informed decision-making.
Understanding Teen Vaping
What is Vaping?
Vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling vapor …

cbd for anxiety in teenager

CBD for Anxiety in Teenager? Risks and Benefits

A 2020 study about Canadian youths reveals that many young adults 10-22 suffer from anxiety disorders. It is disturbingly becoming a norm for teenagers to experience a social anxiety disorder.
With CBD’s impressive feats in anxiety treatment, it’s no wonder people consider it for treatment in teens.
In this post, we’ll explore details about CBD for anxiety in teens.We will also weigh the …


How Parents Can Model Healthy Habits

Imitating our role models has always been a critical part of childhood development. In fact, the power of mirroring is “pre-programmed” into everyone’s brains — helping people navigate their early years and adapt to customs and beliefs around us. As children stay with their parents for most of their lives, it’s unsurprising that kids pick up habits and behaviors from them, whether good or bad. To ensure children grow up to make healthy choices, parents should not just tell …


How To Teach Your Child to Make Their Bed

Teaching your child how to do chores is important and essential for their growth and development. Most kids may not enjoy it, but it helps create structure and good habits, while also teaching them important social and emotional lessons. 
When you teach your kids how to do chores, they learn the importance of responsibility and doing their part for the improvement of their surroundings or their quality of life.
Having your child make their own bed in the morning is a great introductory chore for them. It’s very …

kid around vape smoke

What Every Parent Needs to Know About Vaping

Vaping is a common behaviour among teenagers today. These teens inhale and exhale vapour from electronic cigarettes to feel pleasure. Young people prefer premium juice to regular cigarette smoke because it is cheaper and safer.
Considering these teenagers are under parental care, parents must understand vaping comprehensively. Parents can tell if their children are vaping or advise them if they know how it works.
How Vaping Works
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are devices designed to allow users to inhale nicotine …


How To Stop Nursing Your Baby To Sleep

There’s nothing more magical than nursing your baby and watching them fall sound asleep in your arms. But it can become a problem when they become too reliant on that pre-bedtime feed and become unable to sleep without getting nursed first. 
This can result in everyone’s sleep being disrupted. You could be setting yourself up for a lot of sleepless nights until your baby grows out of it themselves.
Fortunately, it is possible to break this habit of nursing before sleep.


How To Teach Kids to Engage in Positive Self-Talk

It’s common for children to fall back into negative self-talk when they’re faced with a particularly difficult challenge that they feel they can’t overcome. Feelings of doubt and self-depreciation start to arise and it can be hard to get rid of once the feelings kick in. 
When teaching them how to cope with negative and self-deprecating thoughts, it’s important to emphasize that these negative thoughts and feelings should be acknowledged and not erased but they should also reframe their thinking and focus on the positives that the situation brought on …


How To Support Your Child’s Mental Health

Keeping your kids physically healthy is a feat that most parents excel at. But when it comes to their emotional and mental well-being, it’s another story entirely. It’s important to place value on caring for your child’s mental health because this is what allows them to develop resilience against the obstacles and challenges that they will eventually face in the real world.
But being both emotionally and mentally healthy is not something that can happen easily and organically. Here are ways you can nurture your child’s mental health: